stepONE: this workshop is designed to help you join the team in membership to the church and to God’s family. We cover what we believe and who we are as a church as well as the basics of the Christian faith. At the end we have volunteers available to hear your story and finalize your membership application if you’d like.
stepTWO: This workshop is focused on learning the essentials of healthy spiritual habits and growing in spiritual maturity. We cover helpful tools, resources, and tips for you to grow in your relationship with God.
stepTHREE: This workshop is all about discovering how God has designed you for ministry. We go through a series of exercises and sections that identify how God has gifted you personally in the hopes of helping you find your fit in ministry and serving. At the end we have coaches that can help you test drive some ministries.
stepFOUR: This workshop is built to help you make an impact in your community and in your areas of ministry. We focus on the areas of spiritual conversations and leadership development. This is the culmination and application of all the other workshops and prepares you to come along side and help others move forward on their spiritual journey.
This is our intentional discipleship process to move people forward no matter where they are on their spiritual journey. The goal is to create clarity and give tools to build spiritual habits that help you grow! Each workshop is about 2 hours.